Why would a married woman want to hang out at a bar with single friends?

There is this married woman who is very happy with her husband, does not run the street but is questioned often to go out. This friend of hers gets upset because she will not go out to bars with her.


Favorite Answer

As a reformed bar fly, I can tell you I've seen a lot of women going to bars who are married and they are not there to socialize with friends and just drink - they want to be checked out by men and hit on in the biggest way and it's just sad how pathetic they are.

Any married women who go to bars without their husbands are most likely ready and willing to cheat.


Married With Single Friends


A bar is no place for a married women to hang out with friend or with out friends there are many other things to do that is less risky and make your spouse feel better . How many women love thir husbands if u do then do what is right you took your vows uphold them and your marriage will be much better . If you want to acted single don't get married stop hurting a good man find one that goes to bars to then at lest your both at the same level ..


Some people don't like going to bars. If this friend of hers really wants to hang out with her, she'd suggest something like brunch or an art museum. If the married woman wants to go, I don't think it would be a problem every once in a while. But, her friend doesn't sound like much of a friend if she's getting mad at her because she'd rather not go to bars.


Hold on now. I am happily married for over 22 years. I have gone 'out' numerous times in the past with my younger and single female friends.

I love music and dance. I wear my wedding band and enjoy watching men try to pick up my friends.

Every so often I will get hit on. I take care of it. Since I am always with women 15 to 20 years younger than me we are in a 'young' club.

So, uh, not too many 30 year old men are interested in hitting on a, well, 'older (!!!) woman.

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