Christians: Is there some kind of anti-Paul movement going on today?

I've recently had the impression that the writings of Paul were not in accord with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But I kept these thoughts to myself because if their heretical nature. Now I am seeing others who are getting that same message.


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Why don't you let God lead you on what correlates and what doesn't and stop caring about whether other people think things are ok or not? Are you a Christian or in a club?


I hadn't noticed, but it would hardly be surprising, would it?

Not sure how you could get the impression that Paul's writings are not in accordance with the Gospel.

Peter said that some of the things Paul wrote were "hard to understand" but, he never said that they weren't in accordance with the Gospel. Neither did any of the other New Testament writers, though I have seem some try to use James as a tool against Paul, I don't think it flys very well.


Paul was called by Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus to bring the Gospel of Jesus to the Gentiles. His words complement the Living Gospel.

Many people think Paul was sexist, for example, because of 1 Corinthians 14, but they forget that the context was much different than nowadays. The Church in Corinth was full of zeal and charisma, but they didn't understand the Gospel. When Paul would teach, the women would shout across the aisles to their husbands, "What does that mean!?" Because this disrupted the service, Paul reverted back to what he knew: Judaic Law, under which women were subordinate to men.

He remembered how dignity and reverence was maintained in the Jewish Temple. Paul simply told them not to speak in Church (Because he was speaking) and if they had questions, to ask their husbands at home (so they didnt disrupt the service).

Because of Paul's many other writings about the equality of men and women before God, as all are one in Christ, it is likely this rule was removed after such a time that the Church in Corinth knew how to understand the Word.

If you have any questions about the Pauline Epistles, feel free to email me at and I will try and answer any questions you have.

Captain Sarcastic2009-07-30T23:46:08Z

The term "Paulianity" has some currency, and is not entirely unjustified. A good deal of Paul informs the early church, and is of a questionable nature.

As an aside, there used to be a regular on R&S named "Lion of Judah" who was an unabashed Paul fanboy, or at least was trolling as one. Haven't seen him around for a while, but a year ago or so he was on a lot...


Paul was used by God to lead people to a saving knowledge of Christ, and with that a transformed life. Paul reminded people that their lives must live up to the truth that Jesus taught, and when someone does that, they will be hated. Paul's teaching line up with Christ, because all He preached was Christ and Him crucified.

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