Cut My Hair To Short......?!?!?

My mom cut my hair to short after i told her to only cut it 2in's she cut most of my hair off so now its barely past my shoulders. I hate having short hair, but she said she wont pay for extensions. How much do they cost around?

Peace and Love ♥2009-08-01T08:17:32Z

Favorite Answer

Clip ons are usually $250 for a set/kit.
The best way is cold fusion which is around $1000 >___<

Human hair is the best, but its so much more expensive

Sooo you might as well just love your short hair :]
Its probably simple and chic and more manageable.


MY MOM CUT MY HAIR JUST A FEW MINUTES AGO!! i hate it school is about to start in like 13 days and you can see my scalp at first she cut it and left a bald spot and i was like oh my god your dumb!!! and she was like im not finished yet and the cut all of it and now the ac is making my head cold lol now my hair is so short i can bearly pul it with my finger tips. The whole time was HELL my head was on fire cuz she did not know what shes doing..but it kinda looks good now ill get over it :/
anwho idk how much those cost lol im not a girl XD


Extensions dont cost as much as you think they only cost about 20 quid go to your local town and have a look around they are easy 2 put in too.


Don't get extensions !
Learn to love your short hair !

I have long hair, and its annoying to keep track of. So for school, i'm cutting it short. Like above my shoulders.

Trust me, it's easier to straighten, and it looks more polished.

Oh, and plus, short hair is coming back !

Just be sure to get cutee bangs =]

Hope i helped =]


There is the paris hilton line of extensions ($50) and they're the cheapest i know of.
But to be honest, short hair is coming back. I'm sure it looks cute :]