What to do with genuine maple syrup?

We have a family member who gives us a jug of real maple syrup for Christmas. Now we have 2 jugs in our freezer, and Christmas will be here in a few months. We do not make waffles or pancakes at our house. Anybody have any ideas on how to use this syrup some other way?


We don't like heavy breakfasts so we don't do waffles or pancakes. French toast is not a favorite either.
As far as not freezing maple syrup is concerned, it's too late! Someone told us it would keep better frozen - guess they were wrong.


Favorite Answer

Please don't freeze maple syrup... it makes it crystalize and kills both the taste and texture (in my opinion). It will keep fine in a cool dark place if the cans/jugs are sealed and in the door of your fridge in a plastic of glass jar (not metal) once openned.

That being said...

- Maple Syrup Mousse
- French Toast
- Ham with maple Syrup
- Put in in gruel
- Put a bit in plain white yogurt
- Cobbler
- Rice pudding
- Beans...

Here's a good listing of recipe (you can use google translate if you do not read French)

Or try a bit in anything where you would put honey... (with the possible exception of coffee)

Here's a small booklet that was released this year with "uncommun" dishes ideas.



Pure maple syrup isn't really made from anything in the way you're thinking.... It's the naturally sweet sap from the maple tree which is collected and boiled down until it reaches a syrup consistency. THat's all there is to it. The reason it's so expensive is cause it takes something like 10 litres of sap to boil down to make 1 litre of syrup. Good stuff though, isn't it?! (I'm Canadian and a proudly support great Canadian products!)


I always put it on breakfast sausage and sometimes bacon. A gallon is worth about $50 nowadays.

You can port it on Craigslist since somepeople drink A LOT of maple syrup if they go on the Mastercleanse Diet. It's a diet of maple syrup, fresh lemonaid and pepper... Yum.... Thats all they have for 10 days.


Why no waffles and Pancakes? :[

Make French Toast Sticks for Breakfast!

1. Toast bread.
2. Cut toast bread in half.
3. Put maple syrup on bread generously with a knife.
4. Put cinnamon [if you please] on it.



here are a bunch of recipes http://allrecipes.com/Search/Recipes.aspx?WithTerm=maple&SortBy=Rating&Direction=Descending
you can make these yummy cookies and sell them http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Maple-Cookies/Detail.aspx
i personally love maple syrup in oatmeal, you could add some cinnamon, pecans, brown sugar etc

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