I paid taxes for people to buy new cars?

I'm saving my money and driving a 2004 truck that's paid off.
What in the h... gives this administration the right to take money from me and give it to some one else to buy a new car.
That's it for me, I hope these idiots get their butt voted out in 2010.


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Capital B Capital S


Don't worry too much about that man, your taxes ran out a long time ago on much more worthless shyt than getting people into reliable cars, we're borrowing the money from China to pay for this new miasma.


Wait I am missing out , I have a 10 year old car and a 5 year old Bike , where is my new car , Oh well guess cuz I am not a Liberal I can't have one because I work for my money


Move to Alabama or Florida. The tax rate in my county is 7%. The tax rate in the next county is 6%. I live less than one mile from the next county but still always have to pay the higher taxes. All I can say is: Welcome to the club.


Lets have a "Toss out the Demoncrates" Party across the nation.Me I can't wait till New Jersey gets rid of that idiot Corzine.Go team Red.

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