Am I still having a miscarriage?
-a couple weeks ago i went to the birth center after having had a small gush of blood.
-she checked my hcg levels that day and two days later and they had dropped
-I was told i will be having a miscarriage
-The next two weeks I never bled again but had brown discharge and some cramping
-a week ago i began to have breast tenderness (before i only had nausea) and eventually the cramping went away
-The past few days- no more brown discharge still breast tenderness
-I haven't been back to the birth center b/c i know it takes a while
-----with my first m/c i had brown spotting, then red, then miscarriage
------I don't think there was a 3 day break in between
well to the most, 10 weeks (i got pregnant again quickly after my first miscarriage that i never had a period)