Why are Democrats crushing perfectly good cars rather than giving them to the poor that have no cars?

I thought that the Democrats cared about the poor.

I am sure that there are plenty of poor in this country that would love to have a running car rather than no car.

Oh well... screw them. I guess it is more environmentally friendly to make the poor walk.


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It's not just that they are crushing the cars and not giving them to the poor. They are actually destroying wealth (see the fallacy of the broken window on wikipedia). When you artificially remove the cars from the society by destroying them, you increase the scarcity of used cars, which in turn causes the price for all used cars to go up. It also makes used car parts rarer, which also drives up prices. So it's not just a matter of not giving away the cars. The program hurts the poor.

To the jerk who said that many people own two cars. Yes, they are often the real clunkers, though. I don't own a car AT ALL.

I used to live in a place where you HAD to have a car. Maybe those poor people live in those places.

Plus, this program is not environmentally friendly AT ALL.

I can't believe how stupid people are on here!!


I do walk, ride my bike, and take public transportation whenever possible, despite my relatively rural location. When I use my fuel efficient car, I maintain a reasonable speed and avoid jack-rabbit starts. I fill my tank less than once a month. I do this because I am self aware and globally conscious... I am not a democrat. It's people with your attitude that are "killing us all". If you had any foresight at all, you'd realize that we depend on our fossil fuels for much more than transportation, but in the manufacture of products we need now and in the future, and there is wisdom in holding on to the reserves we have. I know that my efforts are countered by the ignorant, like you, but I persevere. What ,exactly, is your excuse for being such a douchebag? EDIT: No, being a glutton is not the American way. You disgrace the rest of us.

DEE W2016-09-14T17:18:21Z

Because they do not care about people. To them if you cannot afford a Prius you should not drive. The fact that Public transportation is not available in rural areas where housing is affordable doesn't bother them. I say crush politicians who crush cars. And I support Guns for the Homeless!

Melissa Me2009-08-04T10:36:06Z

Um, so now you WANT to give people something rather than them earning it themselves?

This was YOUR suggestion. Make up your mind.


And how are these poor people supposed to afford the upkeep on these clunkers? You do know they cost more to keep on the road via repairs and maintenance, right? Oh, you don't own a car! And you are only 12! Ok.


All those old cars that are being recycled are replaced by new cars bought at the dealership, which will eventually become fuel efficient old cars which will be put back on the market.

In the meantime, if Republicans are so concerned about the lack of transportation for poor people, maybe they could fund better public transportation. But of course that will never happened, because they are nothing more than concern trolls.

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