Are you a vegan vegan vegan?

If you are, then how can you not eat all the nice food?! I should be a vegan as I am allergic to lots of foods, including most meats and dairy products, but I actully cant do it! Do you have any good tips?


PS. I put vegan three times because of the "minimum of 20 characters" rule! ^_^

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot2009-08-10T06:36:33Z

Favorite Answer

For me, non-vegan foods can still be tempting. For a lot of people they just make up their minds and stick to it. I am more the kind of person that has to take it one meal at a time (I only switched a few months ago). I keep a lot of stuff in the house I have found I like and keep my kitchen clean so I can cook and I always have snacks with me in case I am hungry. And I also know vegan fast foods I can get practically anywhere, and that helps.

But basically, it is just a measure of living in line with my values, even when I am hungry.


Good for you :-) As for eating out.. I haven't 'ate out' in years, lol. So no advice for you there. Snacks? Nature Valley Peanut Butter Bars or something.. nuts, rice cakes, any fruit or vegetable, Triscuits, Wheat Thins... I eat a lot of cereal. With almond milk of course. Thomas Cinnamon Swirl bagels are really good. Earth Balance is pretty much a staple for any vegan. I'm too lazy to think of more, :-P You should check out Peta's Accidentally Vegan list. And ALWAYS Google anything you're unsure about... especially natural flavors! I was eating Chex Mix for the longest time before I found out it may not be vegan :-( I hope some of this helps.

That Mean Girl2009-08-09T21:39:25Z

I'm not a vegan. I love cheese and eggs. If you want to become vegan, however, I'd suggest finding a good cookbook to help you transition and then do it gradually. I'm a huge fan of How it All Vegan by Sarah Kramer and Tanya Barnard because the recipes included are relatively quick and easy and the books contain lots of useful information such as substitutions, foods to watch out for and a glossary of terms used in ingredient lists that might contain animal products. Despite what people may tell you, it is entirely possible to be a healthy vegan. You don't need animal products to live well. It's a personal decision, though. Good luck!


I'm a vegan and i don't miss anything. Think of all you favourite foods and theres nearly always a vegan alternative for it :)

Holland and barrett do lovely burgers, sausages and soy mince in their freezer sections and you can also get vegan icecream in waitrose and sainsburys which is even nicer than normal icecream.

You can still make delicious cakes, flapjacks , puddings etc..and you can even get a vegan milk chocolate in some shops which is really nice.

Soy cheeses vary but the soft 'cheeses' are really nice and you can get fake cheese which is really good for melting into sauces and stuff.

To be honest the only thing that stops people from going vegan is they're afraid they'll miss out on lots of yummy food, but they wont. I certainly don't.

Anyway the meat and dairy industries torture and kill countless animals a year- do you really want to contribute to that just so you can still eat cheese sandwiches and mars bars?

Go vegan! x


I have many food allergies like you - most meat and all dairy. I have been vegan for 3 years now, but was vegetarian for many years before that.

If you give it a try, you will see how much better you feel once you give up all the foods that bother your stomach. You won't get any nausea, bloating etc. You will likely have more energy too. Once you clean out your system and start to feel better, it will be much easier to stay with it.

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