What do you think of Right to Carry laws?
Just want your opinion on this.
Just want your opinion on this.
Favorite Answer
I also live in Florida, where crime is a serious consideration (not talking dodge city here, just that people need to be armed and vigilant). It's becoming an issue everywhere these days. I don't agree with the licensing process, as it can be used to keep a list of firearm owners, but I agree whole heartedly with the absolute right to keep and bear arms.
Paul Grass™
I support the right to carry
I don't want people carrying guns where I live, but I don't care if you have a right to carry law where you live.
I think if the person is check out with a background check, then why not. Suppose a teacher in one of the colleges were armed (live V. Tech) when the kid started shooting. B A M!! He gets one in the head, end of story and not 35 innocent people killed like sitting ducks. Criminals are going to buy guns illegal anyway. So how does it hurt?
Im glad I live in a state that allows open carry.