Why do people think you live your life for bad news 365 days?

Am I the only one on this planet that lives in my own world without bad news every single day. I've got to get me some ear plugs. It was an excellent great week last week being alone in the office, the fat guy was on vacation. Then today the really unhappy guy came in and it was back to his b-------g. Sometimes I want to say shut up.


Favorite Answer

There will always be people who will see the glass as half empty. Me, I see the glass as half full. Some people are so negative, the don't see the beauty around them. I work with someone who is a very negative person. Most of the time I just ignore her. Other times I try and get her to see the positive side of things.



Garfield 1012009-08-10T16:17:42Z

You still get that one day off on Leap Year. <}:-})