Why are these Republican 'town hall meetings' and 'tea parties' so violent?

I understand the displeasure but why can't people express themselves without being so abrasive and violent?


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Because racism and hatred equal violence. This is the true base of the GOP. These people are scare and don't do any research for themselves but listen to Fix Noiz and Rush. Shouting and being disruptive is not debate. %


Because they are Upset they lost Elections, Seats in Congress, The White House,Important Issues on Children's Health Care, the Budget, The Stimulus Package, to name a Few, since they listen to Rush Limbaugh and other Promoting Right Principles.


They are Interrupting Town Hall Meetings, with Incivility and Disrespect and Its having Its Consequences Yes they have a Right to their Opinions but No Right do they have to be Violent or Hostile the Mob needs to Show Civility and Respect or Go Home and Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Sarah Palin asking Opponents to Behave themselves and show Civil Discourse they don't support Obama Care but they also don't want Trouble.

So Turn off Rush Limbaugh and you'll be fine You don't have to agree with Barry but Please come to Town Hall Meetings in Peace.

Deb M2009-08-11T18:32:36Z

Good question. Their goal is to make sure the health care reform discussions do not happen. That the truth does not come out. Causing riots is their sole ambition. Republicans and the "tea baggers" only think of themselves and probably the dividends from the health care for profit system.

Personally, I like my health care plan, but I support health care reform for the people who do not have health care or may be denied coverage when they need it!

Sad that these people, who I think are in the minority, are so selfish or uninformed.


Nice rant but....
1) they are not "republican town hall meetings"
2) they weren't "republican tea parties"
3) they only got violent when thugs from SEIU & Acorn came in or the idiot congressperson didn't listen and only spouted off Princess Pelosi's talking points.

I watch the Specter town hall meeting and it was civilized but very tense. It got heated when Specter was challenged on a provision of the house bill. He also bristled when someone brought up term limits & everyone cheered!

Get out of my pocket!2009-08-11T16:45:09Z

Why are the Dem town hall meetings so violent?

Why does Obama shout at people to SHUT UP and GET OUT OF THE WAY!?

Why does Obama throw temper tantrums? Is he threatening us?

That smacks of violence!

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