Question about percentage?

What would 25% of $1,900 be?


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Always remember that the word"of" means to multiply. So you would write the problem as 25% of $1,900. Next you should convert 25% to decimal form: the easiest way to do this is to move the decimal point 2 places to the left, which will make 25% to .25. Your problem should look like this;

25% of $1,900
25% x $1,900
.25 x $1,900 = 475


A simple way to find out percentages is to convert the percent into a fraction like so;


It can be easier to consider 25% as one quarter. Hence, 25% of 1,900 will divide into it four times. Hence, 1,900/4 = 475


well 25% is the same as 1/4. so you can take $1,900 and divide it by 4. so 1900/4= $475.


you devide 1,900 by 4 and it will come out to be $475

its kindof like measureing because if you take ingredients and the recipe calls for 1/4 water that is four parts of a cup you would fill it up 25%

or money 25 cents is 1/4 of a dollar you will divide

sorry if i didnt expain it rite im only 16 lol

i see your a top contibutor to phones can you please go answer my question i would really apreciate it since im pretty sure i can trust your judgement because you know phones lol



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