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Find A using the formula  A = Pe^rt?

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13 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    Hello, A = 30,000 e^((6.8/100)90)

    A = 30,000e ^ (6.12)

    A = 30,000 (454.8646945)

    A = 13645940.83 

    Hope this helps! 

  • 2 days ago

    A = P to the power of e X r to the power of t

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    P is 30,000 but we might assume it to be US Dollars, but could be bars of gold-pressed Platinum. Also, we don't know if 30,000 is 1 sigfig, 5 sigfigs, or exact, 'assuming' exact USD, but round off to the penny.

    A = (30,000)e^(.068×90) = 13645940.8349857

    Round to $13,645,940.83

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    You probably used r = 6.8 instead of r = 6.8% = 6.8 /100 

    A common mistake, especially when the writers are so cavalier about units. (r should be something PER YEAR to cancel out the units of t.)

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  • 5 days ago

    A = 30,000 e^((6.8/100)90)

    A = 30,000e ^ (6.12) 

    A = 30,000 (454.8646945)

    A = 13645940.84 (Nearest hundredth). 

  • 5 days ago

    A = Pe^(rt)

    A = 30000e^[(0.068)(90)]

    A = 13,645,940.84 Answer//

  • 5 days ago

     A  = Pe^rt 

     P = 30,000, r = 6.8%, t = 90 years

     A = 30,000 e^(0.068*90) 

     A = 30000 e^(6.12) 

        = 30000*454.8646944995249 

        = 1.3645940834985746*^7

        = 13,645,940.83

  • 5 days ago

    A = Pe^(rt)

    You are given:

    P = 30000, r = 6.8% (or 0.068) and t = 90

    Substitute and solve for A:

    A = 30000 e^(0.068 * 90)

    A = 30000 e^(6.12)

    A = 30000(454.86469)

    A = $13,645,940.83 (rounded to the nearest penny)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    They are simply asking you to take those values to plug it into formula and to compute with a calculator for example. We cant go to your place and move your fingers on to the calculator and press the buttons for you. You have to do that on your own.

    Btw, 6.8% = 6.8/100 = 0.068

  • 5 days ago

    Seems simple enough... where are you having problems?

    A = Pe^(rt)

    P = 30000

    r = 0.068 (turning the percent into a decimal)

    t = 90

    A = 30000 * e^(0.068 * 90)

    A ≈ 13,645,940.83

    (In other words, if you invested 30,000 and let it compound continuously at 6.8% for 90 years, it would grow to about 13.6 million.)

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