Will Cheney give any tips for hunting with friends in his upcoming memoirs?

Just curious.



Favorite Answer

If not tips for hunting, then definitely tips for getting away with shooting your friend in the face and getting away with it!


Why did Bush never go on hunting trip with Cheney?


I'll take Cheney's hunting tips over ted kennedy's driving tips.

Shovel Ready2009-08-13T16:50:19Z

America would greatly benefit if Cheney would include a handy chapter on how to shoot a lawyer.

mason proffit2009-08-13T16:49:16Z

it's like watching Elmer Fudd hunt everything gets shot up but the rabbit, the only reason he shot his friend was he thought he was going Larry 'restless leg syndrome' Craig on him.

perhaps a chapter on how he became such a super patriot while serving the first republican to flee the office of president to avoid being tried for high crimes[Nixon], after the vice president resigned after a no contest plea after being indicted for taking bribes in office, then having the nerve to say he skipped Vietnam because he had "other priorities", but now his priorities are to save the nation from terrorist and enemies? always easier to put someone else behind the trigger but then again we have seen what good he was behind the trigger and what good he did serving himself and Haliburton

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