Dog section: a few questions?

I'd appreciate it if you wrote down the number of the question before you answered it, that would make it easier for me when reading your answers, thank you.

1) How many dogs do you have?

2) What breed of dog do you really want, but have never owned?

3) What breed of dog would you never own?

4) What do you feed your dogs?

5) Are your dogs spayed/neutered?

6) Do you think all dogs (or most dogs) should be spayed or neutered?

7) What activities do you do with your dog? (anything from lure coursing, obedience, agility, hunting, to things like taking them to park, fetch, bicycling, hiking)

8) How often do you bathe your dogs?

9) Do you prefer dogs from breeders or from the shelter?

10) Did you get your dogs from a breeder or a shelter?

NO TD please, these are people's opinions, and you should respect what they think, even if you don't agree with it.


Favorite Answer

1. I have 1 dog.

2. Great Dane

3. Any small breed (with the exception of a JRT and Westie) for my own reasons

4. She gets Harringtons biscuits with NatureDiet meat

5. Not yet, no.

6. To be honest i don't care if the dog is spayed or neutered as long as the owner is taking full responsibility in ensuring that their male is kept away from a female and their female doesn't get pregnant. If they won't/can't then yes their dogs should be fixed.

7. I take her through the park and very rarely left her off the lead there but i do take her along the countryside a lot. I am trying to get into some agility with her though.

8. Not very often. She doesn't need bathed often a good grooming will do.

9. Either, i got Tess from a breeder but my old dog was from a shelter.

10. Breeder.


1) How many dogs do you have? - 1.

2) What breed of dog do you really want, but have never owned? - Entlebucher.

3) What breed of dog would you never own? - Great Dane.

4) What do you feed your dogs? - Purina.

5) Are your dogs spayed/neutered? - Not yet, but will be soon.

6) Do you think all dogs (or most dogs) should be spayed or neutered? - Until the world takes care of all the unwanted dogs and dogs that don't have homes, yes.

7) What activities do you do with your dog? (anything from lure coursing, obedience, agility, hunting, to things like taking them to park, fetch, bicycling, hiking) - Walks, runs, bicycling, hitting tennisballs, fetch, basic tricks.

8) How often do you bathe your dogs? - Once every couple months.

9) Do you prefer dogs from breeders or from the shelter? - Shelter.

10) Did you get your dogs from a breeder or a shelter? - Neither, it's hard to explain. :\

Meggzz *no longer on Y!A*2009-08-13T17:53:53Z

Oh, I love these little quiz/poll things. :)

1) How many dogs do you have?

2) What breed of dog do you really want, but have never owned?
Greyhound, by far. Such awesome dogs! :)

3) What breed of dog would you never own?
Chihuahua. Never in my life.

4) What do you feed your dogs?

5) Are your dogs spayed/neutered?

6) Do you think all dogs (or most dogs) should be spayed or neutered?
I think mutts and dogs that aren't in breeding condition should definitely be fixed. There is a need for responsible breeders, and if all dogs were fixed, then where would we be getting our purebreds?

7) What activities do you do with your dog? (anything from lure coursing, obedience, agility, hunting, to things like taking them to park, fetch, bicycling, hiking)
Fetch, hiking, obedience classes, a 30 min walk twice a day, practicing his obedience, just chilling out. :)

8) How often do you bathe your dogs?
Once a month.

9) Do you prefer dogs from breeders or from the shelter?
I'm a shelter/rescue kind of girl, but if I wanted a purebred dog whose back round I know, I wouldn't hesitate to adopt from a breeder.

10) Did you get your dogs from a breeder or a shelter?
Yes. :)


1) How many dogs do you have? 3

2) What breed of dog do you really want, but have never owned? A bull terrier or dauschund.

3) What breed of dog would you never own? any breed as long as it is not overly aggressive

4) What do you feed your dogs?Natural Balance and pedigree.

5) Are your dogs spayed/neutered?yes

6) Do you think all dogs (or most dogs) should be spayed or neutered?it depends, if you have no desire to breed them or if they have already been bred more than 3 times, yes.

7) What activities do you do with your dog? (anything from lure coursing, obedience, agility, hunting, to things like taking them to park, fetch, bicycling, hiking). i take them to the dog park, take them for walks, the dog beach.

8) How often do you bathe your dogs?about twice a month

9) Do you prefer dogs from breeders or from the shelter? my dogs are from a kennel, pound and from someone that did not want her. I think it is nice to adopt animals in need of a home but hey, if there is a certain breed you are set on a breeder is alright.

10) Did you get your dogs from a breeder or a shelter?"above q."


1) How many dogs do you have? Just one.

2) What breed of dog do you really want, but have never owned? Tons... Lab, Golden, Papillon, Greyhound, Corgi, Westie, German Shepherd.

3) What breed of dog would you never own? A Spaniel (too snappy IMO), Shar Peis and Chows (too dominant).

4) What do you feed your dogs? Chappie and occasionally Butchers, supplemented with fresh/tinned meat/fish.

5) Are your dogs spayed/neutered? Yes he is.

6) Do you think all dogs (or most dogs) should be spayed or neutered? Certainly most dogs, but not all.

7) What activities do you do with your dog? (anything from lure coursing, obedience, agility, hunting, to things like taking them to park, fetch, bicycling, hiking). Tug-of-war!

8) How often do you bathe your dogs? 3-4 times a year.

9) Do you prefer dogs from breeders or from the shelter? While I just want a pet, a shelter dog can give me everything I need. If I ever decided to show/breed, obviously one from a breeder, but that's not something I plan to do any time soon.

10) Did you get your dogs from a breeder or a shelter? A shelter.

I imagine the TD fairy will be doing the rounds as per usual.

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