When a dog gets hold of your arm or gently chews it means it's showing you love & affection?
I think that's a load of bull don't you think?
I mean, I think that's actually dominance NOT love & affection. A dog that grabs hold of your arm or chews it is actually trying to claim you & trying to get your attention or wants something from you. It's the same for when the dog leans on you with its body, sits on your lap(big & small dogs), pawing you & barking at you demanding for something.
Many people think it's because the dog loves the owner so much so it grabs or chews the arm. It's the same for dogs that sit on people's laps. The dog barks viciously at someone or another dog because it does not want it to come close to it & it's "property" aka the owner its sitting on. Or what about when the owner carries the small dog & the dog viciously tries to attack the dog that is below it? Aren't all these signs of dominance?
Sadly, many owners find it so cute & think that the dogs are protecting them. No wonder there are so many vicious dogs around & especially the small dogs. I hardly hear any cases of small dogs that have viciously bitten or attack someone or another dog being reported unlike big dogs. I guess it's because they cause minimal damage & the owners still find it oh-so-cute!
But it's not only the small dog owners, it's the big dog owners too. I knew one person who owned a Weim & it is vicious as hell because why? The owner praises & kisses it on the mouth after it goes after another dog. It went for my face once but good thing it missed but the owner actually was petting it after that!!!! What do you think the dog is thinking? The dog is thinking that its "follower" is praising it for that bad behaviour it has just done.
Sadly, there are many people who know very little about dogs & dog behaviours. I'm sure it's not only in my country but everywhere else as well. They need to be educated. But there's a twist! Many of them REFUSE to be educated! I have tried advising a few owners with vicious dogs but they will just nod their heads like as if they're listening but there are those that get pretty mad & upset... *sigh*
So tell me guys, do you think when a dog grabs or chews or bites the owners arm means it's being loving? Why?
Again, just adding a legit question just in case:
LEGIT: Does your dog go out for car rides often? If no, then why? If yes, then to where most of the time?
Mine do everyday especially after my Mom comes home for work in the evenings. That is the only time I can use the car to bring my adult dogs & sometimes the 3 pups for a ride either to the park or just a joy ride around the neighborhood.
***Sorry that this post is very long***
Just the Facts - yup!
@Naysa - We don't have any dog parks here in Malaysia at all nor do the people parks allow dogs actually but we just go there in the evening when people are eating their dinner. And no neighborhood dogs for my dogs to play & socialize with. 90% are tied up, 50% are dirty & diseased & the rest are too aggressive. So the only place we can bring them for socialization with dogs is at OB school every Sunday. Tomorrow is the Dogathon event so my dogs & pups will be able to socialize there & have fun as well. Amber's joining the Agility trials. Hopefully she'll win something.
@Jessie - I gave you TU because you gave a very good explanation. Well, I think to me, all of these bad behaviours that these dogs do are considered dominance to me. I guess it's subjective to everyone. And yeah, thank god it missed my face. Crazy dog, crazy owner. Have advised him to stop kissing it on the mouth when it has done something wrong but he didn't listen. Like I said, some owners just don't want to learn...