Has anyone ever seen a White Crow?

I try to walk 3 Mile a day,Yesterday I saw Two Black Crows and Two white Crows together on the grownd feeding ,they flew to the nearist tree when they saw me;I am 67 yrs; I have never seen white crows;
Has anyone else?


Favorite Answer

i'd like to see a white crow.
i'm sure you know the difference between a crow and a dove.
google that. maybe there's some mythological documentation?
that's wild.
white crows all around!
apparently it's a term used in paranormal research or the like. does that help?


What I find most interesting is the fact that there are any living white Crows. Crows have a well researched habit of killing any crow that is not to a crows normal template. This is even true about chicks that are just begining to fletch. I would think that those crow escaped from a human's cage. if the rest of the Black Crows' band had showed up the White crows would have been attacked.


I live in Witney Oxfordshire. I woke up early hours to open my window and to my surprise there were seven cross flying aroundown in circles. 6 of them were pure white with black bicks and one of them was pure black. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I wonder if this has some sort of meaning


Fred did.