Why do I have to be so nice?

Ok so I am going to a football game tonight and one of my friend's friend used me so she could go to the game. She hates my guts and is taking my friend away from me. I don't want her to go to the game cause I want to talk to my friend about it. Is there a way I can uninvite her. (The only way she gets to go is if my mom is there.) Please help!! I really love my friend and I don't want to lose her.


Favorite Answer

Phone your friend and tell her that the girl is being a ***** to you! and well say your mom isnt going anymore! so technically she cant go


Your friend's friend will never steal your friend because if your friend is truly your friend then you will always be friends no matter what... lol, hope that makes sense, don't have names to work with.

You should talk to your friend on the phone before the game..

If you think your friend won't get mad at you for lieing to your friend's friend then tell your friend's friend that you couldn't give her a lift because your mom's tire was flat... If she does idk :S

If you do think your friend will then this would be a good opertunity to prove that your friend's friend is trying to steal your friend from you ;)


hey, i have a friend who is just like that..
well use to be friend.
one thing you can say that your
not going to the game..