How can I see my DEFRAG?

Okay, I just upgraded to a new VISTA box, and have found that my defrag is just a stupid gump that says, "This may take a few minutes to hours" with the little VISTA swirly spinning around so I know it's working. How can I switch something so I can watch the progress like on Windows 95/98/Millenium/XP??

And before I get jumped on - I DO actually have a life. There's just something comforting with the ability to be able to see what's going on.


Favorite Answer

You cant unfortunately but you can download a free and powerful disk defrag utility.


I too miss the graphic display in Vista. I like to be able to see the defrag progress. Besides the Vista defragger is too slow as well. Unfortunately you cant get a visual display in it. I have switched to a much better defragger, Diskeeper09.Its also very easy to use as it can be set to defrag automatically in the background, has a nice GUI, defrags under low free space and defrags system files. For Vista, it has a VSS defrag option that prevents unnecessary shadow copy activity.
Try the 30 day trial if you wish

Da Guy2009-08-23T18:21:56Z

Welcome to the wonderful world of
Windows Vista

Window Defrag is but one of a few changes
you will find here in Vista land

I have been using
Auslogics Disk Defrag (free)

It is very similar to the Xp Defrag your may be more accustomed to