how can we major airoplane's speed ,and how much it travel ?

In 2 wheeler vehical , bcause of the rotation of wheel v know the spped of tht.
so how v know tht in airoplane. ?
how v know how much distance airroplan travel ?


Favorite Answer

A couple of ways. The traditional way is to measure the speed of the air passing by the plane (air speed). This is gathered by a device mounted on the wing called the pitot (not pilot) tube. If the pilot knows the wind speed and direction, he can compute how fast they're traveling in respect to ground (ground speed).

The new way is by using GPS. The GPS gear in the airplane can tell you directly what your ground speed is. Not much different that how you use a handheld GPS to determine how fast you are traveling on the ground.

Hylian Anchorman2009-08-25T10:50:00Z