What can I do to prevent my chances of getting a cold?

Whenever I get sick, I'm sick for a long time - so I want to be sure I'm doing everything within my power to stay healthy. Usually my cold will start with just scratchy throat and then progress into further more miserable cold symptoms.

Any home remedies I'm not aware of?? Please help!!


Favorite Answer

Clean your house, disinfect household objects. WASH YOUR HANDS.


It's really impossible to prevent getting a cold. But you can do some things that will make the symptoms less severe. Taking vitamin c. in the winter months, and eating plenty of fruit and veges. When you get the first scratchy throat symptom, drink lots of tea with lemon and honey. There are lots of those aspirin type remedies to take with the tea etc. I also suggest the first few days of a cold, to try and sleep as much as possible. The common cold, as it is referred to has no real cure, but you can relieve the symptoms, and the cold will pass much quicker!



avoid larger groups of people, that's the only way^^ it just a matter of chance^^