Weed Possession and Minors?

im 16 years old and I live in maryland and my friend and i were arrested for tresspassing and i had 3.5 g's of weed on me that the cops found. The court date is comin up and im kinda nervous about it. am i gonna go to jail for it? am i gonna have to shower with a bunch of crazy old guys? im scared shitless


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You are minor and it was a small amount. It is highly unlikely you will get jail. Even if you did, it would be a juvenile facility, not an adult prison.

For weed, the max penalty is 1 year in jail and $1000 fine. But like I said, not likely to be anywhere close to that. What will you get? Absolutely no way for me to tell you that because I am not the judge nor am I telepathic. Besides fines, punishments can include community service, mandatory drug program enrollment, house arrest, and of course probation.