Any good anti-vegetarian/vegan pet websites?

I need some good websites on why it's unethical and unhealthy to put carnivorous animals like dogs and cats on vegetarian/vegan diets. Anyone got anything good for me?


Thanks Amanda! I hadn't seen that one. I'd be posting the whole article, actually. What part of it didn't you agree with?


Thanks, Bullies.


These are great Amanda! Now if you could just find me some that are directed towards dogs... I can't find anything! Ridiculous how many pro-vegetarian/vegan dog websites there are out there. *Headdesk!*


Amanda: LOL, it's okay, I did actually post this in the cat section too!


That one's pretty good Amanda! I wish they hadn't weakened their argument towards the end, but it's one of the better ones I've seen so far.


That one's pretty good Amanda! I wish they hadn't weakened their argument towards the end, but it's one of the better ones I've seen so far.


That one's pretty good Amanda! I wish they hadn't weakened their argument towards the end, but it's one of the better ones I've seen so far.


That one's pretty good Amanda! I wish they hadn't weakened their argument towards the end, but it's one of the better ones I've seen so far.

Ehawlz's Ghost2009-08-28T17:16:36Z

Favorite Answer

I find it stupid when people force their animals who eat mainly, in the case of cats, or a lot of meat, in the case of dogs, on a no meat diet. It's not healthy for them, they need a proper diet.

I mean sure, my dog loves when I toss him the occasional piece of lettuce, and give him a carrot to chew on, but I would never limit his diet to only those foods.

But man, those people are fun to make fun of. *tear*

Amanda C2009-08-29T01:16:44Z

Wow, it was really hard to find that website, but I did! Have you seen this one yet? I dont know if it's what you're looking for but hey, i tried!

I do not agree with everything that was said in the article, but I'm sure you can copy and paste the good info into people's questions if they're asking.

Here's another:

And another:

Add> I actually mis-read one part of it - I do agree with the article. I thought that at the end of the article they were basically saying that it was okay to feed a veg diet. I mis-read! *smacks self in head* hahahaha...

Glad I could help!

Add again> Crap! I thought we were talking about cats! hahah I'm so tired tonight.... I'll see if I can find a few for dogs!

How do you feel about this one?

I agree with the first half about dog's teeth and how they're meant to tear through flesh. But then at the end the article goes on to explain that if you do decide to feed vegetarian, that you have to be careful. So it's kind of looking at both sides of it. I dont know if that's something you'd want to post because the people could just say "See! At the end of the article, it says that it could be okay to feed veg"...

Know what I mean?


Maybe on animal planet's website. They had a segment where some cats had to be seized, because the lady fed them vegetarian food, and the poor cats were slowly wasting away and very sickly.


Dogs can live quite healthy normal lives as vegetarians. Cats are obligate carnivores and cannot digest food that is not meat. How about just gathering more research on why can't don't have the proper organs to digest vegetation or how they die without taurine? Maybe look up the Pottenger cat study to help you with more information on proper feline diets.


Google for more articles.

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