Does anyone have a good design for an electrical generator that uses magnets?

I've had some success in getting an array of magnets and spindles to spin. I was thinking that if attached to a solenoid and properly configured, we may be on to something very green. Any suggestions? Stuff that can be obtained from department and hardware stores is best.


Im not meaning that I expect magnets on their own to do this. you know those hand cranked DC generators? why couldnt one be magnet cranked? or like, similar to an automobile's alternator.


the power input would be static induction, and i never said anything about perpetual mothion.


Favorite Answer

there are many designs here, they all work well

all you have to do is replace the electromagnet with a permanent magnet, that's-it



It's not possible. Not even remotely possible to generate power with no power input, just spinning magnets.

There have been thousands (or more) people trying to build a working perpetual motion machine for hundreds of years, resulting in many thousands of models. Yet, not one, not one has ever worked.



A generator will always produce less electrical energy than the mechanical energy put in to drive it. The second law of thermodynamics guarantees this.

There is a limit to how 'green' something can be. That limit is 100% efficiency, and it cannot be reached, ever. You can get very close if you're careful, but you'll always lose energy.