No smoking in Obama's military. Will the Dems ever have no guns in the military, too?

Amusing that the Dems would deny smoking to soldiers that have their lives on the line every moment they are in combat zones. Yet President Obama still smokes cigarettes. Is it elite vs not elite?

Now a proposal to make the forces smoke-free is drawing strong reactions from troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, even though the Pentagon itself says any ban is a long way off.

The troops' fears — and, in some cases, hopes — were triggered by a study commissioned by the Pentagon and the Veterans Affairs Department that recommends moving toward a tobacco-free military, perhaps in about 20 years.


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It is a proposal that will fail, even if enacted.

If a Man or Woman serves and wants a cigarette, give them a carton, and get out of their way.

You know what is worse than me smoking? Someone nagging about me smoking.

Second hand smoke. The lie is that it is more dangerous than the smoke we inhale. Well, if that is true, then smokers are the toughest people on earth. We not only smoke we also inhale second hand smoke.

And with all of the poisons that are supposedly in cigarettes, smokers are obviously the most resilient people on earth. IF there was really cyanide in cigarette smoke, then you wimps that die from cyanide inhalation are useless, while us smokers are nearly indestructible. You need us in uniform, protecting your wimpy butts.

So, you anti smokers need to stop the lies, and present ACTUAL REAL FACTS.

And you know, a cup of coffee and a cigarette sounds mighty fine right now.

The Smoking Lamp is lit.


Nope. This was NOT a ban recommendation by the Democrats. This was suggested by the Pentagon. If a Republican president would have been in office, it would have been on his desk. However, when it was concluded and released there happened to have a Democratic President.

You are really not up to date on your current events. You are on here whining, but you are completely unaware that there will be no ban. It was shot down within a matter of weeks. I am sorry, I am not an Obama fan…..but what I hate more is when people use their “fake sympathy” to the military in their agenda.

You don’t care bout the military and their freedom of choice. You just dislike Democrats, so you are acting like you are a sympathizer and supporter of the military to push your agenda. I suggest you check your sources before you start ranting. The ban is not happening.


The military will be smoke free when the rest of the country is smoke free. And right now, that is going to be a long way off. Trust me, this has been in the air from before I came in 14 years ago. It just comes up from time to time and the dissipates as fast a the smoke does.


He shouldn't would desire to. The bans would be on production and revenues. the belief is to dry up the availability purely via attrition. As for the link, i somewhat have a troublesome time believing unattributed supplies for information because of the fact they're no longer something greater beneficial than rumours. I have not have been given any reason to suspect the Tea party is exceptionally interested in honesty in this tale the two. As for the militia being prepared to open hearth on civilians they have continually been prepared to do this. purely examine out the historical past of the national shield getting used brazenly to attack protesters, usually decrease than orders from conservative politicians. the U. S. militia has even opened hearth on their very own veterans at situations.


It's not just the Dems, you sound stupid when you point fingers.
I'm a smoker, and I'll tell you what, if anyone's worried about what smoking's going to do to my health then they should look in the mirror to realize that they're overweight.
When Americans are in shape and don't look like lumpy mountains of jello, I will gladly stop harming myself with smoke.

Anyway, this "phasing out of tobacco" thing isn't a suggestion from the "Dems" or "for military personel only"
And like others have pointed out, it was going on when I served my 6 years too.

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