For those growing up in the modern culture: Do you think you parents are more 'good' or more 'bad'?


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I've only got my mum now, and I'd say good. Not that our relationship has always been perfect. We fought a lot when I was in my teens, just after my dad died.

I'm not saying she was perfect, she was very angry about a lot of things and took it out on me. I was angry and resentful about this for a long time. Still, I know now that she always wanted what was best for me and that she meant well even if she didn't always do the best job. She really did have a difficult life before having me. She'd give me every last penny and scrap of food she had if she thought I needed it. These days she's happier and we get on, now that we're both adults.

When you're a little kid, your parents are the centre of the universe, they know everything. In your teens you start to see that this isn't true and get angry about it, trying to break free and be your own person. When you're an adult you can understand your parents as human beings, like you, and make peace. I'm glad that happened. We're very close now.