Why can't government stay out of our lives?

Be it on a liberal or conservative front, I see much of the same. They want to control your life one way or the other. Why can't libs and cons see this?


Rob, hon, you haven't messed with a libertarian lesbian, have you? Pray you don't ever try to impede on my civil liberteries.


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once they get elected and get in power, they begin to believe that they know more than the people who elected them. they no longer believe that we understand things and they feel that they must protect us from ourselves.

this is why i advocate term limits for congress. two terms is enough and they do not deserve all those perks for the rest of their lives that we have to pay for....we need to kick all of them out and start over with official that do what we elect them to do, respent us, not make themselves rich.


Because history tell us that when our government steps back and allows individuals and businesses the freedom to control their own destinies the end result is that the needs of the few destroy the needs of the many.
In a moral society goverment wouldn't have to step in and write laws that banned slavery and child labor and unsafe workiing conditions
In a moral society goverment wouldn't have to step in an write laws that insured that our vehicles , food , drugs , water were safe for our use
I could do these all day long But you get my point.


I just dont understand why they dont just stay away from the USA. For those who want a socialist nation - leave! There are countries that do that! Why should the USA or any country change for one person or a group of people.

WHY CHANGE A SYSTEM THAT WORKED SO WELL FOR 200 PLUS YEARS? We have one of the oldest govt in the world, we're a new country yes, but we have an older gov't compared to the rest of the world. The other countries have changes their gov't so many times.


in case you have been so smart, you will understand that germany was in terrible concern in the previous international conflict II. they have been a great possibility to us. arent you happy that we fought in international conflict II and became them right into a civilized united states of america? now we dont ought to concern approximately them attempting to attack us. Iraq and those different middle-jap international locations are enormously plenty an analogous deal. we would desire to administration their governments so sometime we wont ought to concern approximately them attacking us. doesnt that sound good to you? and as properly, we dont want the government to regulate our money. that has not something to do with something you're speaking approximately


let's break it down for ya hon. gov-ern-ment ie. to govern elected(in our case, not all governments allow this) to represent (or administer to) the people. as to mess'in with "libertarian lesbians" I'll meet you behind the ball field after school-don't make me come find you!

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