Who is the most talented wrestler in the WWE?

Who do you think is the most talented wrestler?

BQ: Who is the least talented?

My answers: Because undertaker is old, Orton
BQ: Cena


Favorite Answer

Edge Y2J or HBK
all three are still amazing

BQ: Batista


Matt Hardy


i'm shocked no person has pronounced JTG. he's had a role interior the wwe considering 2005 or so and hasn't wrestled on television in 6 years. I observed him at mania axxes once I went to mania 27 and he wasn't undesirable, and he will never be as undesirable as Khali, yet there is gotta be a reason he's been interior the wwe yet hasn't been on television in years and years


Matt Hardy or CM Punk.

BQ - Most of the divas, they're f***in barbie dolls with absolutely no talent!


randy orton and chris jericho are the two most talented wrestlers in the WWE today, and they are just about the only reason why i still like to watch what i call "monday night john cena hour"

BQ: cena. by far

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