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Should we keep complaining about WWE letting talented wrestlers wrestle?..more inside.?

Should we just keep complaining about them letting the talented wrestlers wrestle, when for all these years we should probably know by now that character, charisma and mic skills can take you farther in the company than just wrestling skill.

There have been a few wrestlers that have gotten far on talent alone, but a lot of them had a character and charisma that got them over with the fans. Just talent alone won't get you far there.

So, should we keep complaining about the talented wrestlers not being allowed to show their ring talent, or should we just accept that a talented wrestler with no charisma or mic skill will not make it in WWE?


To re phrase the question: Should we keep complaining about WWE not letting certain talented wrestlers wrestle?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I see where your going with this. However, I kinda disagree with you, assuming your siding with the people who should stop complaining. Realistically, a good gimmick can take you far, but if you can't wrestle worth a dime, then it's noticeable. And "You Can't Wrestle!" chants can echo through an arena just as fast as a chant for John Cena or Batista. At the end of the day, people with good gimmicks or mic skills can go far. That's a benefit to them. However, there's not much of a payoff for the fans, and the people who actually buy tickets. Naturally, most of us feel the need to complain because we enjoy WWE, but also we pay money to see it. It's a bad feeling going to a event and then getting there, just to see a bunch of horrible matches. I've been there before. I had to suffer through a recent RAW/ECW taping and it sucked...horribly. We're all consumers, and whether or not we really like something, if there's a flaw, then there will be fans who like to complain.

    To a certain degree, complaining can be too much. It gets tiring seeing message boards flooded because Matt Sydal didn't do a certain move, or CM Punk can't use the Pepsi Plunge, or stuff like that. But I'm sure Vince McMahon and WWE aren't losing too much sleep over it. The big picture is this. Whether or not a superstar is getting over with his mic skills or character, when the bell rings, WWE fans a lot of the time aren't getting much of a benefit during actual matches. So, to say that fans should or should not complain is hard to say. Nobody likes a whiner or complainer. But I'll settle on one thing. If there is a fan out there that truly believes that WWE doesn't bring out the full potential in a few wrestlers here and there, then I can relate.

  • Jet
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I can see where you are coming from, and it is a real shame that they have all these amazing young wrestlers, but they never give them the chance to shine. In fact, I think them not pushing the right guys or not giving their wrestlers what they want is one of the reasons for the immense growth of TNA. Because there is no way that TNA would be as popular as it is without people like Kurt Angle and Christian (Who people recognize from WWE) coming to the company. So, in a way, WWE has helped build the uprising of TNA.

    But yeah, there are a few guys who have gotten where they are on ring ablity alone. I can name 2 in Evan Bourne and Shelton Benjamin. Both have awful mic skills, but they are great wrestlers. But that is where the point is proven. Since neither of them have mic skills, they have not been pushed any further than the mid card.

    But guys like Cena, who have little in ring ability are great on the mic and that is how they got where they are today. The Rock was awesome on the mic, and he is one of the most recognizable figures that there is because of his wrestling career, not because of acting.

    But then again, Raven had amazing mic skills. But he barely got pushed at all.

    So basically, it all revolves around who Vince McMahon likes. And most of those guys are the no talent muscle men.

    So we should complain. But I doubt it really helps change the WWE. Because Vince is the head man, and he likes it perfectly just the way it is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I Agree

    WWE Sholud Give Pushes And Title Shots To The Good Wrestlers No To The Top Sellers

  • Soap
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No, you should not complain. Come on Mic skills and charisma help you get further in the Wrestling.

  • 1 decade ago

    We pay our "hard-earned money" to watch the WWE (no matter what they say, RAW is not "free". We have to subscribe to cable or satellite TV to get the channel). We pay the salaries of everybody in the WWE, including Vince McMahon. We expect value for our dollar.

    The WWE gives us value through what they call "entertainment" (pretty much everything that goes on outside the ring). For some of us, that's enough; the actual wrestling match is secondary. But some of us feel cheated by the WWE's "style over substance" method of presenting pro wrestling. We see a WWE "entertainer" we know is a very skilled wrestler but is limited by the WWE in what he can do in the ring, we feel cheated. We see a skilled wrestler overlooked or pushed to the back in favor of a "character" somebody in Creative cooked up, we feel cheated. Despite whatever name the WWE calls itself or calls it's performers, it is still pro wrestling. THAT'S what we want to see. The guys and girls in the ring performing to their capabilities, not held down to fit a certain "character" or gimmick.

    The WWE gets complaints here from both types of fans. Those who prefer the "entertainment" aspect complain about entrance music, costumes, the storylines, and the like. Those who prefer the wrestling match over everything else complain about "limited move sets", "crappy" finishers and performers "botching" moves, etc.

    Complaining is human nature. We complain when we aren't satisfied. The WWE rarely satisfies a large number of their fans at any given time. Perhaps the WWE has no idea of the nature of our complaints. Perhaps Vince has people monitoring this section to learn how we feel about what's going on in the WWE. We all want our complaints listened to by those who can make changes. And we definitely want our complaints validated by like-minded peers, to know that we aren't "crazy" for our opinions.

    To (finally) answer your question: yes, we should complain. We stop complaining when things are "perfect". The WWE is far from perfect.

  • meg09
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I agree that you also need charisma and mic skills, but you should also have to have some sort of wrestling abilities. This is why we complain.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'm surprised nobody has said JTG. He's had a job in the wwe since 2005 or so and hasn't wrestled on TV in 6 years. I saw him at mania axxes when I went to mania 27 and he wasn't bad, and he will never be as bad as Khali, but there's gotta be a reason he's been in the wwe but hasn't been on tv in years and years

  • Rohit
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My question is

    Will a casual fan likes to see a 10 min chain and mat wrestling in place of monkey jumps?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I guess we should. As much as it eats me up inside to see talent like Haas' being wasted, the fact of the matter is, complaining won't do a damn thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, but Vince knows that the general (American) public does not like japanese people, where all the talent is....

    Source(s): Top ten moves of susumu yokosuka on youtube
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