Should president 0bama take a refresher course in Government & American History?


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There are two ways of looking at the Constitution and American history, positively or negatively, so far from Obama I've only seen negatives.

Jas B2009-09-08T06:34:31Z

President Obama has a B.A. from Columbia University. He later got his law degree from Harvard Law School and was also a lecturer of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years.

Apart from his two degrees, anyone with any intelligence would realise from his speeches and debates that he has a far wider knowledge and understanding of the world, it's history and most other subjects than his predecessor or opponent.


He would just do the P.C.version of it that's all anyone gets now . Most high school history books don't even cover the wars that have changed the country.


I think all Americans could do with a Civics lesson. Those on the right and left. Both extremes are missing the whole point. (I'm guilty too, as I too get carried by the waves)


Since both the then democrat and current republican governors of Hawaii have both personally validated his birth certificate, no as he does not have a fake birth certificate. Have you seen his actual SSN card or are you basing your charge on Rush? Keep in mind Fox news won in court the ability to lie on the air...

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