Why do Republicans believe that studying and getting good grades are socialist?

Republicans have been falling over themselves saying that Obama's talk with school kids telling them to study, work hard, and get good grades, are socialist ideals which are an anathema to the Republican party.

Do they really believe this or are they just being obstructionist and anti-American? Are they really praying for American school kids to fail?

Reverend Master of Curses2009-09-08T10:00:56Z

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I have read the entire speech (revised version) and it shouldn't be objectionable to any reasonable person.
I think the "I Pledge" video which was shown at some schools days before the speech was a red flag for some people. The parts where it says "I pledge to be servant of our President", "I pledge to be of service to Barrack Obama" and "I pledge to advance stem cell research" are a bit over the line. The video was largely positive, but I can see how a few parts of it could justifiably alarm a few folks.


Maybe they just believe that someone "telling" the students to study hard and get good grades is, lol. The funny thing is, as bad as this economy has been for the past 3 or 4 years, there is no way we can become a "socialist" government. We just don't have the resources. But that is just one aspect of socialism. I honestly believe that no matter how good the one party is doing, they will never get praise from the other party for the good they do or have done.

Nina M2009-09-09T15:10:53Z

So they can keep them uninformed and following their useless diatribe. Knowledge is power

Edit: "to be a servant of the President" is not a red flag it just shows how uninformed these people are. Since the President and Congress have the authority to enforce the draft, to send you to war whether you believe in it or not, so every country should pledge to service their country, I guess being patriotic and supporting your elected President are just for white presidents...Like Bush, who ran us economically in the ground, two wars BTW those wars was funded by communist China. I guess rethugs do not have a problem taking monies from communists and accepting help from our socialists allies in conflict (war). I wonder how they feel with all the rhetoric and associating socialism with hitlerism. They might get the impression you are judging them. Perhaps they should re-align themselves with each other

Mo Science2009-09-08T17:05:15Z

They dislike Obama mainly because he is not the guy they voted for. They'd have no problem with socialism if the republican party told them socialism was good. There's nothing socialist about this speech, but they couldn't expect to be taken seriously if they simply said don't listen to Obama's speech because we think he sucks. They toss around the term socialism like they know what it means, but really all they mean is they don't like Obama because he's not the guy they voted for. Personally, I am against socialism and not a huge fan of Obama, but if he wants to give a speech to school kids, I say let him. He's the president. If we cannot let the president be the president, we should stop whining about him and form our own separate nation. But I hope we do not. I think our current mess is preferable to a republican nation.


The Republican political image is so badly damaged that they are grasping at anything for a rally cry right now. The party is anemic right now. All the Republican politicians concerned with is getting back into power. They will use any and every opportunity they can to sway the minds and hearts of the people. This includes inciting and invoking fear among American citizens. Right now they are mounting a strategy for 2012. So any little thing they can grab on to they will.

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