What is good.....................?


Number Three2009-09-08T19:14:53Z

Favorite Answer

meanings aren't in words, they lay within the person.

That being said, Good is, as Happy Hiram says, what happens when your brain activates something in the center of it (basically) called the pleasure center, releasing seritonin. or soemthing of that nature.

THAT being said, yes. Pleasure.

Agent WD-402009-09-09T02:32:01Z

Good is that which builds up and not tears down. It is what brings together and not tears apart. Good is what forgives and not holding on to grudges. Good does not delight in the exploitation of others, but instead it delights when truth and justice win out. Good is not being selfish, but instead going beyond oneself. It is doing what is the best for others and not acting purely in your own self-interest.

