Only 20 years old but want to start a pool hall (sell beer)?

Ok Me and a buddy want's to start a pool hall and sell beer. He's 19 and I'm 20. It's going to be kinda hard being in the navy but the building is right down the street. The only way I can see this happening is getting a 3rd partner in the business that's 21. Is their a way around this?


Favorite Answer

IF you're in the Navy, you are going to be at Sea 6 months a year, so your 3rd partner is going to have to be doing all the work half teh year and even when you are on land, how much time are you going to have? Would the Navy even allow you to be involved in such a thing? maybe the town wouldn't even want a pool hall with a liquor license.
If costs a lot of money to run a Pool hall and there probably is not a lot of income from it, plus a liquor license could cost you a fortune.

you better do a lot of research on this
you might need $10,000+ CASH just to sign a lease and get the pool tables, and maybe even more for the liquor license if there is even one available in that county


Hi Victor, did you ever open your pool hall? Zarg222 brings up some good points. But there is a lot more to think about before you open your doors. Check out Lots of good articles to get you started. Free eBook "10 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Pool Hall" is worth the read.