What is the biggest health problem face today in the world ?


Ladies and Gentlemen, you all got it wrong. Come on think harder.


Swine flu is not the biggest, health problem. There is already vaccines and counter messures available.


Mintee, you mean to say malnutrician and obersity. Still wrong.


Rayoon - Nope, not cancer and diabet


Rebecca, Nope Still wrong.


ok here is hint. In the ext 25 years, it will be the major cause for conflict and war in most parts of the world.


Another Hint - Today, and every day, more than 30,000 children die before reaching their fifth birthdays, killed either by hunger or by easily-preventable diseases.


Rebecca you are very warm. I need the 1 word!.. tell me tell me... and tell me why its the biggest health problem.


H - For every action there is reason, and there is cause. The smallest thing can start a chain reaction of events.


Thank you for all for answering. Yes its Water, which gives life to all of us.

18 per cent of the world's population, who lack access to safe drinking water.

42 per cent of the total, lack access to basic sanitation.

Did you read about the essay type answers I wrote on Saudi Dudes' question Are you Scared of the Future.



By 2025, it is estimated that about two thirds of the world's population - about 5.5 billion people - will live in areas facing moderate to severe water stress

The areas most affected by water shortages are in North Africa and Western and South Asia . For 25 per cent of Africa 's population, chronic water stress is high: 13 per cent of the population experience drought-related water stress once each generation, and 17 per cent are without a renewable supply of water.

Every week an estimated 42,000 people die from diseases related to low quality drinking water and lack of sanitation. Over 90 per cent of them occur to children under the age of 5

Two of the water-related diseases, diarrhoea and malaria, ranked 3rd and 4th place in the cause of death among children under 5 years old, accounting for 17 per cent and 8 per cent respectively of all deaths


And Mintee is right.

Rising global temperatures are changing our climate and affecting our water.
The signs are all there-extreme weather events, rising sea levels, increasing
floods, melting glaciers and severe droughts throughout the world.


It is extimated that it take approximate of minimum of 2,500 litres of water is needed to feed a person for one day, which is the same amount used to produce just one litre of bio-fuel.


Water security is the gossamer that links the web of energy, food, environmental sustainability and human security, this supports what H had written.


And Lastly here is the water foot print
A water footprint is a calculation
of the water needed for the
production of any product
or service from start to finish.
It takes:
> 16 000 litres
to produce 1 kilo of beef
> 140 litres
to produce 1 cup of coffee
> 120 litres
to produce 1 glass of wine
> 23 000 litres
to produce a leather bag
> 900 litres
to produce 1 kilo of corn
> 3000 litres
to produce 1 kilo of rice
> 1000 litres
to produce 1 litre of milk
> 1350 litres
to produce 1 kilo of wheat


Thank you for all for participating. I hope this has been educational for all of you.

If you need more, info visit - http://www.un.org/waterforlifedecade

Also note, that we will run out of fresh drinking water before we run out of oil.

B K2009-09-13T06:01:57Z

Favorite Answer



Loneliness, Depression and Boredom. I heard today (in St Louis, MO.), that there was another murder/ suicide between a husband and wife, both in their sixties, and both being treated for depression. The biggest problem facing the youth of today is, living within their means. With so many material things (of luxury) being touted today, it's hard to not be tempted to go out and spend like crazy. Maybe this economic crunch will slow those ideas down.


Somehow I have the feeling, that the way you ask is misleading answerers.

Are you looking for the name of a serious health problem or for the reason of the same.

If I go by your hints, my guess would be POVERTY.

Poverty caused wars and revoltes, poverty is the reason for people dying of hunger and the lack on medical care.

edit: I agree with you and congrats to Mintee, but: water itself can't be considered as a "health problem". For my understanding a "health problem" is a disease.LOL

Take care.


malnutrician and it can go both ways.. for example as much as you can be starving, you can be overweight..
I think in the developed countries,, too much is the problem..
Too much processed foods and not enough exercise..
in the past 100years or so ago, we had to work harder for our food, we grew our own produce, and raised our meat. We had to work these farms to get our food.. we were outside more, no TV, video games, cell phones, microwaves, etc.. We moved more and were more physical.. Our kids didnt sit inside watching TV all day. they were out playing ball, running up and down the streets playing all day and didnt come home till right at sunset (probably when their moms had to force them back in).. All we do now is sit in from of the TV and eat processed foods, that have little or no nutricitional value whatsoever and loaded with fats and chemicals..
we need to change this..

edit: so you mean lack of a fresh water source. since all the glaciers are melting, thereby changing the way the oceans and climate works..


climate change

it will cause the following:

water shortage
disrupted food chain
extreme weather
more diseases

basically everything will change. and since the population is always growing.. well that's a problem as it is, but with the effects of global warming... yeah..

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