Men- How often do you get your hair cut?

and how do you know when it's time to cut it? Do you have a set regimen (once every week or before an important event for example), or do you use visual cues? My hair gets curly when it gets long so I know to cut it when starts to curve.

Hippies and rastas need not answer.


Thius- One should never feel apologetic for a mullet. They are a gift to the world.


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About once month. I go to an old-school barbershop, you get a hair cut, a shave with a straight razor and a dousing of hair tonic.

Go Getta2009-09-15T11:26:48Z

I used to get it cut once every 2 weeks and then I got a pair of clippers for my eighteenth birthday. Then it was once every 3 weeks because the price went up from 15 to 18 dollars after I graduated high school. Now I probably go for professional cut once every month and half 2 months now that I know I to trim my hair with the guard on and line it up.

Mr. 3.14™2009-09-15T12:57:48Z

It depends on where I am. If I'm at home in Cleveland, then it's once a month.

In college, I aim for every 2-3 weeks. For some reason, my hair isn't growing as fast as it used to anymore, so I guess I could stand to wait a little longer.

I hope that isn't a sign of male pattern baldness....I don't wanna be bald at 18.

Talawah, The Misfit.2009-09-15T11:32:19Z

I used to get it cut twice a month. When I was younger it was a 0.5 on the sides and 1 on top. As i got older i experimented with a 1 all over, then I started to prefer two on top and a 1 on the sides.

Now ,my hair is long, so it's cornrowed. It took me about a year to get to this stage. All i do now is get my hair shaped up twice a month so it's still looking neat with the rows in.

Pete I like your hairstyle, I think dreads and nappy hair styles like a kinky afro look really good on black people because it is unique to us and us only.


About every 3 months. I hate getting my hair cut so I get it short and wait as long as possible before getting it done again.

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