Who all (among hunters) thinks getting fined for failure to purchase health insurance is not a tax increase?

In the Hunt For Justice, we hunters seem to me the most level headed group to view the opinions of. So what do we say on this?


I propose that the most needed change is for a "Homestead Critical Care Expense Limitation" (by whatever name) so that if a family member falls catastrophically ill, the total medical expense is capped at say 1/2 the family's resources, the remainder to be paid by the fat medical industry, out of their huge excess profits. Having entire families made homeless and/or losing the family business because somebody got cancer, seems to me an improper use of the free enterprise system. I think safety nets are proper and constitutional if limited to extreme cases. But not if used for broad enslavement of an entire populace.


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I agree with you that insurance should be for catastrophic risks.
But that is not what health insurance in the U.S. is for. Insurance companies don't even want to cover catastrophic risks, and even if the patient has coverage, they find a way out of it when it is most needed.
No one should be forced to buy what they are peddling as insurance. Being forced to buy it is a tax and the insurance companies are the tax collectors. A fine for not buying the insurance would also be a tax.


Say what?

Fine me for not having health insurance? Who came up with this crazy idea?

I have a rather level headed idea. How about we save the money we would spend on health insurance. Then if we dont need to see a doctor.. the money still belongs to us? That's how I do it.

I might buy insurance when I get older and will need more medical care but until then it is my choice. If someone tries to force it upon me.. then they can kiss my tax dollars goodbye!


Getting fined for something you should have the right to choose is UNConstitutional.

Just as .700 Nitro said, I agree.

Obama can go **** himself with that garbage. If I choose to not have health care that would be my business just like anyone else. Who is the government to mandate such things like this? Talk about socialist crap, this is America, and we as Americans have our rights and freedoms to decide such things.

Although it was not a 'hunting' question, I get what u were going for with the 'hunt' for justice. Either way, it's not constitutional and it is some b/s.


The problem is that for private industry to be able to continue offer insurance, costs must go down. They are not. It is proposed that the government create a competitive market with private insurance there by driving down costs. To make everyone participate there has to be reward and punishment. The same as there is for SSI. To say that "I don't need it or want it" is a lie at some time in your life you will need medical attention and it will need to be payed for. Like death and taxes everyone is effected by it and should be required to support the need. Try removing social security now, the same arguments were used to try and stop that and now everyone can't live without it.

The system is broken and needs to be fixed, so instead of fighting it how about fixing it.

Uncle Pennybags2009-09-20T19:46:29Z

I suppose it could be thought of as a tax increase. I think of it as a fine though. A fine for committing no crime.

Where in the Constitution does it give the federal gov't authority to set up a health care insurance program, and where does it give them the right to fine you if you don't?

And even if it is Constitutional, it's just wrong.

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