Hey, Psychology and Mental Health experts on Y! Answers: Help me diagnose this person:?

This person is a 45-year old woman who is the girlfriend of someone I know. She has some peculiar personality traits that I will name here:

She inherited $250,000 from her father at age 25, and by 35, it was all spent, with nothing to show for it. She had bought a car with some of this money, and then admitted that she left it somewhere and walked away without regret, got on the Greyhound bus, and came here to my town to attempt to make a living as a stripper and a prostitute. She has a college degree in psychology (which I verified with her mother), and she never lets anyone forget it. She loses whatever bag she might be carrying, at any moment of distraction, and then refuses to spend any money to replace her IDs and licenses. She buys cell phones, and then just throws them away in the trash. She exhibits many behaviors that are common to prostitutes and call-girls. She spends ALL her money on her nails, hair, clothes, and general appearance. Physically, she is in very good shape for her age, but is only 5 ft. 5 in tall. Her face is hard and cold, developing “age spots”, and wrinkled from too much sun, I would guess. She spends a lot of time outdoors exercising. She provokes arguments with anyone who disagrees with her. She can’t listen to another opinion. She literally gets in someone’s face with her opinion, until they want to shove her away from them for violating their physical space. She is ALWAYS right about everything. She can’t have a rational 2-way discussion about any topic with anyone. She has been ticketed for jaywalking recently, and has court dates all scheduled. She was also recently arrested for indecent exposure for going out in public wearing only a thong and a scarf to cover her chest. If reminded about these social faux paus, she rants on “I have a degree! No one can tell me what to do!” Every conversation with her by anyone but her boyfriend ends in an argument about something. And every argument follows the same pattern: “I’m smarter than all you jerks because I have a degree!” Her boyfriend ignores her personality quirks, as he refers to these outbursts.

My diagnosis: Passive/aggressive personality disorder. But what else is possibly wrong with this person? Does she belong in a mental health hospital, or what? I know she has a history of using mental health hospitals for wintertime refuge. Her problem will resolve itself when I move to another state, but what I really want to know from all you psychology buffs is: What is wrong with this gal?


She doesn't listen to her boyfriend, either. She seems to be "socially deaf" in that when another person is talking to her, her mind is already formulating an answer, thus blocking the active listening she should be engaged in. I believe he is just desperate to have someone to "be with" at times.


To Beetlemilk: I don't believe in BPD. I believe it is instead PTSD. Even though your answer was great, Allen James' was just a bit more complete. Thanks again.

I can no longer tolerate this woman's behavior, and I am going to have to have her evicted from the unit I own here, which I need to have rented out to someone who can hold down a real paycheck job. Once again, thank you all for answering.

Allen James2009-09-20T15:27:05Z

Favorite Answer

From your description of this woman's behaviors, I would say one singular, fixed diagnosis is not possible. My greater concern is how she is affecting you. Do you feel qualified to make a diagnosis? Is making a diagnosis the real issue? People with Personality Disorders resist help unless mandated/forced. It is apparent that her degree in Psychology has affected her cognitive experience and stopped there. It appears that she also uses it to enable her behaviours. A Counselor or Therapist must spend hours in Individual Counseling and Group Supervision. It appears she has not had this experience or if she has, has decompensated beyond that training. The key to your question is what is your relationship with your male relative who is her boyfriend? So long as she is not a threat to herself or others, there is nothing that can be done unless she breaks the law, and is either convicted or plear bargains. If the legal system is not dysfunctional and is intact, she would be required to receive Counseling as a part of her Probation or Parole. Again, so long as her boyfriend is pleased with her, I suggest you work on limiting your exposure to her. It is apparent her ant-social behaviour which very well could be one of a combination of or mixed Personality Disorders (Features) obviously including Anti-Social Personality Disorder. If you are able, I would recommend that you push-back from the issue and focus as much as you can on what is important to you and what brings you joy, peace and fulfillment.


Oh boy. She has a lot of things going on, and there is overlap. Among the top things I feel fit her are:

this is a mood disorder and it is very characteristic to go through large amounts of money when manic and have nothing to show for it, also the provacative non clothes issue.

Autistic spectrum disorder
this is a social communication disorder, she shows signs of impairment in both these areas. Socially deaf, social faux pas, not able to maintain conversation, flight of ideas, poor sense of physical boundaries, not aware of social norms, argumentative

Borderline personality disorder
this one is harder to describe, but irritability, promiscuity, anxiety, instability, poor interpersonal relationships, unstable sense of self etc.

She does not belong in a psych hospital. She has little insight into her issues as most borderlines' do, the prognosis for borderline personality disorder is very very poor.


1--she was irresponsible for spending 250k unwisely and that's her fault
2--she doesn't have a good boyfriend because he ignores her "calls for help' and yes they are red flags for help yet he's probably too stupid idiotic or uncaring or indifferent towards her to notice.
3--she needs help. Maybe not mental hospital kind of help, but someone to support her and care for her. does she have any family members she can turn to? Also, are you her psychologist? if so, you can keep seeing her and trying to be her friend and or helper. She does clearly need help and I think you should talk to the boyfriend because it seems like she's only willing to listen to him and no one else. She needs people in her life. No one should be going at their problems alone and she needs to realize she has a problem and help herself otherwise no one else can help her. she's 35, not 5.


It sounds like the manic phase of Bipolar Disorder, and she is non-compliant with her medication regimen.


she's a narcissistic sociopath. she only feels sorry for herself and not for anyone or anything else. add that to 3rd degree master manipulation, she's lucky she's lived this long and hasn't been murdered yet.

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