Getting the amended birth certificate?

I adopted my step daughter a year and a half ago and we have never gotten her amended BC. It's mostly because the idea of getting it makes me feel like a hypocrit. However we need it for her SSI. Social security is demnding we get a copy of her LEGAL BC and like it or not, her legal BC is the amended one.

So how do I go about getting it? I never even bothered to ask when she was adopted.

(oh and I DO have two copies of her original BC; one for her and one for her first mom)


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Too funny because hubby and i were looking into it too. We did get a letter when the adoption became legal, but kind of put it off, half because we don't believe in ammended BC's and half because we procastinate on stuff. Now we have to get it for ID purposes for the schools.

For us we have to take the adoption decree, and there is a form from Vital Statistics to fill out, and a fee to pay. It woudl depend where you are, so contact your local Vital Stats folks and they will walk you through it.


Just go to or contact the local state office, usually something like "the department of records" or some similar name, they will give or send you a copy for a nominal fee (printing and processing charge). Once you locate the correct agency, it usually only takes a few minutes.

I am surprised your lawyer who handled the adoption didn't do this for you automatically. Our lawyer arranged for us to get several copies of our sons' amended birth certificates because we knew we would need them for enrolling them in school, SSI, etc.