Do you think AMC's Zack and Kendall will move to OLTL?

That is one of the rumors floating around. Do you think it will happen?


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I could see Zach going to OLTL since his girlfriend is on the show (Marty) that would work out good for him.......he could be another Buchanan.....Kendall who knows maybe she will want to take some time off with her new baby.

Susan Lucci (Erica Kane), Thorsten Kaye (Zach Slater), and Alicia Minshew (Kendall Hart) all declined ABC's request to relocate to Los Angeles. Rather than risk losing the three stars, the network has decided that it will allow stars to commute to the West Coast to pre-tape episodes. This will allow ABC to hang on to its top performers and permit the actors to continue living in their homes back east.


Common Ruse2009-09-24T17:28:40Z

Oh my gosh...I hope that doesnt happen. If you mean, LITERALLY! I mean come on, Zach and Kendall just packing up and moving to Llanview? Llanview is about an hour away from Pine Valley! What would Kendall tell Erica? "Mom, Zach and the boys and I are moving to Llanview! We'll visit on weekends!"?

Nooo! Never. This shouldnt happen!!

And i really wouldnt want them going to OLTL as different characters, either. It would just be to sad!


Alicia is on maternity leave so as that keeps up her tale on the practice. yet Thorsten Kaye desperate he did no longer prefer to be some distance removed from his relatives and chosen to decide out of the circulate so who is familiar with what the tie up tale would be for him. Greenlee? no longer a fan. Love Rebecca Budig yet her character i could in basic terms strangle! and that i'm so no longer down with each and every of the Greenlee love. it is so no longer AMC!


I have not heard that rumor but i thought kendall was moving with all my children.


Kendall would be a good fit for OLTL but Zach would be more suited for GH.

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