What happens to the military when theirs world peace?

Do we keep it to fight the aliens or what?????? I wonder what we are doing about those old radio waves we used to send out for TV's I wonder If we are masking those now. I'm a big conspiracy therest and cant spell.

Curt J2009-09-25T23:36:23Z

Favorite Answer

What, in your wildest dreams, makes you think there will ever be world peace?
Humans, by nature are a predatory species, the most successful predator on the planet and will always have some reason/excuse for waging war.


I would think if there was world peace then the military would make their other responsibilities top priority. Instead of fighting they would be helping out with world hunger, disease control/management, and giving aid in the event of a natural disaster. I'm sure the military has more things they do throughout the world but these are the only ones I know of.

Proud Libertarian2009-09-26T06:29:02Z

If world peace comes; it will be kept by the threat of force from a strong military. Nations without defense invite war. Nations with strong armies deter war and bring peace.

If you want peace… You can’t look like an easy target. There will always be somebody who wants to take what you have.


I'm guessing this is a joke question. There will never be world peace. There is no what if.


We should keep our military, because just because there is peace now, doesn't mean there will be tomorrow.

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