Obama wants to add 300 hours to the school year. That would be the whole summer! Your thoughts?

WASHINGTON – Students beware: The summer vacation you just enjoyed could be sharply curtailed if President Barack Obama gets his way.

Obama says American kids spend too little time in school, putting them at a disadvantage with other students around the globe.

"Now, I know longer school days and school years are not wildly popular ideas," the president said earlier this year. "Not with Malia and Sasha, not in my family, and probably not in yours. But the challenges of a new century demand more time in the classroom."

The president, who has a sixth-grader and a third-grader, wants schools to add time to classes, to stay open late and to let kids in on weekends so they have a safe place to go.

"Our school calendar is based upon the agrarian economy and not too many of our kids are working the fields today," Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in a recent interview with The Associated Press.

Fifth-grader Nakany Camara is of two minds. She likes the four-week summer program at her school, Brookhaven Elementary School in Rockville, Md. Nakany enjoys seeing her friends there and thinks summer school helped boost her grades from two Cs to the honor roll.

But she doesn't want a longer school day. "I would walk straight out the door," she said.


Favorite Answer

Obama wants to give more time for his government teachers to indoctrinate his obama youth. Lest we forget the Hitler youth.


President Obama miscalculated terribly on this idea. He's really forgotten how it was to be a teenager. I'm the same age as the President, but I haven't forgotten what school was like.

Students really look forward to the holidays. It's a chance to go on vacation, get a summer job to earn some money, and a chance to get away from the school environment, (bullies, primadonnas, gangs...).

But I guess going to school in Hawaii wasn't THAT bad, and his girls go to private schools. For most of us average folks, school is not a place where I want my kids raised.


We should not do it. The kids could learn in the amount of time they spend in school now if the teachers would teach them. We have OBE, outcome based education, and that is the problem with our schools. Schools teach what the federal government sets for the agenda. They teach what is on the tests that are given because the goal is to raise test averages. They should be teaching kids how to solve problems and think for themselves. How to process information and not just store infomation to be regurgatated on a test. A recent newspaper article showed that 75% of high school kids in Oklahoma could not name the first president of the United States. If they can not teach them that in 12 years I do not think that adding to time in school is going to help. It would end up costing tax payers more as the teachers will demand more money and the school buses will have to run more. We need education reform but doing more of the same thing isn't going to solve the problem.

Link to article mentioned.
75 Percent of Oklahoma High School Students Can't Name the First President of the U.S.

Here is a book from a women who worked in the Department of Education and wrote a book about what is wrong with schools in this country. It is over 700 pages but a pretty good book so far. I have just started reading it. She got the scorces when she worked for the government and goes into detail about the problems with the educations system.

Me And Me2009-09-27T21:17:09Z

I think that it is not a bad thing to keep kids in school yes we all enjoy our free time but that is not what the summer was originally about. The summer like the article says was for people raising crops. Also much is lost when students leave school for so long and then try to hop back into the routine. There is also the aspect of children that do not have productive things to do during the summer while there parents are at work. This would help there parents to make sure that their children are staying active and hopefully attending their classes.

Joel M2009-09-27T21:27:09Z

American children are constantly outperformed by students in other countries. Most ofther countries have longer school years. If you add one hour to the already 180 school days that will increase 180 hours. leaving just 120 more to increase the school year 300 hours. That would be something like 3 weeks.

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