Jim threw a ball with an initial velosity of V(0) at an angle of alfa above horizon.?

The ball hits the ground in 6 seconds 200 meters away,neglecting Jim's height,please find;
1-the initial velosity,V(0)
2-the angle alfa in respect to horizon
3-maximum height the ball gains


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The ball hits the ground in 6 seconds 200 meters away.

Horizontal component of the velocity = 200 / 6 = 33.33 m/s = V(0) cos alpha.
Vetical component of the initial velocity = V(0) sin alpha.
Vetical component of the final velocity at max ht = V1 = 0 m/s
time to reach max ht = 6/2 = 3 sec.
v = u +at
0 = V(0) sin alpha - 9.81 x 3
V(0) sin alpha = 29.43 m/s
we have V(0) cos alpha.= 33.33 m/s

(V(0) sin alpha )^2 + (V(0) cos alpha)^2 = (V(0))^2 = 1977.01
V(0) = 44.46 m/s

1-the initial velosity,V(0) = 44.46 m/s ans

2-the angle alfa in respect to horizon
V(0) sin alpha = 29.43
sin alpha = 29.43 / 44.46 = 0.662
alpha = 41.45* ans

3-maximum height the ball gains
h = ut + 0.5 a t^2
h = 0.5 x 9.81 x9 = 44.145 m ans