This has been bothering me?

My best friend, we r now in our 40's. she recently got remarried, about 3 months ago. she invited my husband and I, since I am her best friend since we were 6. That week before the sat, she got married was a week from hell. My son, the police, violence and abuse from my son, my grandson showed up, he is 3 and I had to watch him. Anyways on our way to bring him home, we past her house and I said OMG, today is her wedding, I was dressed with work clothes on from working outside and looked terrible. I never went to her wedding.
She has not called me or contacted me since. I miss her terrible, she is the only friend I have, due to trust issues, that I am being counseled for. I feel if I call her that is impersonal, my daughter (grown up) said mom, she is your bf you need to call and tell her the truth, that you forgot with everything that was going on, but I am afraid I lost my bf, what would you do,

crazy ninja pirate2009-09-29T14:15:14Z

Favorite Answer

I would call her or go visit her if you feel a phone call would be to impersonal. Explain to her exactly what happened and tell her you are very sorry for missing her wedding. She should understand, after all she is your best friend.

good luck


I would call her as soon as you can and explain what happened, don't be surprised if she is hurt from you forgetting about her but she should understand if she is your friend.


you should call her asap and tell her exactly what happened and why you couldnt make it. she'll forgive you when you help her understand what happened.