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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

What really bothers you....?

...about consumer products?

Which of the lies that they tell on their commercials, etc., bother you the most?


I feel like ranting in a video.....

Update 2:

This stuff works on stains.

40 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So was that what you sprayed on the pumpkin..?..carpet cleaner...nice...

    Extenze my @ss...buncha frickin liars....

  • 1 decade ago

    diet products, with the before and after photos. Have you ever read the fine print on the after photographs? Yet people still buy this stuff thinking they are going to look like the after pics.

    It also upsets my apple cart when I hear good old classic rock songs being used in these gawd awful commercials.. I know I'm 4 days older than dirt, but the younger generation doesn't realize most of these tunes were classic songs before they turned them into damn commercial jingles.

    Thanks Buk for letting me rant a little :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ***NEWS FLASH!!*** In an unprecedented world shaking universally heralded press conference held by YAWal-Mart and Subway, it has been announced that they are planning a merger! Yes Folks, this major Corporate Alliance will spread all over the world in a flash, to feed all the hungry and clothe all the destitute degenerates everywhere, and give them jobs where no other self-respecting business would have the stomach to take in so many otherwise outcast and 'unfit for human interpersonal relations' psychoslobs, and GIVE them hope, and nickels to spend; and they shall raise raise their chins with their first unknown til now feelings of self-respect, and they shall SPIT OUT their former attitudes of selfish greedy parasitical loathing. (Be careful where you stand!)

    It is speculated that this major world event will eliminate poverty and starvation, balance the world powers, stabilize the world economy, and bring world peace, all in one sweep of the YAWal-Mart Subway arm. We are calling it...

    YAWalWay SubMart? Still workin' on that...

  • Gail
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No because it is a lead into get your attention. What follow might bother me. Yours is clever. Don't let the little things bother you. Wait for bigger stuff that you can control.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it cracks me up when the ads for face cream products come on. they always have 20 yr old (and thats stretchin it) women telling us how this cream will get rid of all our wrinkles, like THEY have wrinkles. and then if they by chance DO have an older woman doing the ads, shes either been airbrushed to perfection, or botoxed to the max. show us some reality when it comes to aging, there's nothing freaking wrong with it and people (women) 40 and over shouldn't have the concept shoved down their throats that they have to look like plastic dolls to be accepted in this world cause its total b.s.!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I'm glad you asked that question , I'm very perturbed at the post office when buying stamps from their machines . I put in a 20 dollar bill and my change is a dam fist-full of Susan B. Anthony dollar coins . The novelty has worn off and no one wants them . I'm tired of being the fall guy laundering there money for them , there should be a law against it : )

  • Turtle
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think the lies bother me the most sometimes commercials are entertaining. Sometimes they are just annoying.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lies....all the lies, lies, LIES!!!

    I think the worst is definately cleaning products and beauty products for women. They know we sit up and pay attention to all that crap.

    By the way, I think we should all lynch Bob and shove his stupid smile up his.....ooohhh, a little ranting there, myself.....!

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG!!!Being a girl (yes, I am!!!)I hate the commercials for all the mascara.They show this girl with small eyelashes, and in the next shot she has all these full thick perfect lashes that are OBVIOUSLY FAKE!!And yet they expect us to buy into their claims...what a buncha sh**!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    New house = happiness

    Alcohol = party

    Cell phone = socializing

    Credit card = no money problems

    New car = freedom

    Coke = added life

    The latest fashion = individuality

    The latest ring tone = trend setter

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ya I know what you mean. Half of what they advertise doesn't work any how. That sounds like one heck of a cleaner, I wonder if it works. Hm mm, probably not. Go ahead and rant and rave to your hearts content, you know we'll listen. :D

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