Reps:Would you rather have this man speaking at the Olympic bids?

This is not a bashing, it is just an example what you voted for 8 years ago.

good guy2009-10-02T11:20:08Z

Favorite Answer

great source, but be advised, you'll get plenty of hate answers (just ignore them). Indeed, this one minute clip screams "you got what you voted for, america"


I like him. He started a righteous war and paid for it by cutting funding on wasteful things like porpoise research and rich schools.

But to answer your question, yes I would rather Bush speak for us at the Olympic bids. Unfortunately a president can only hold office for two terms, or else we'de have a real American in the White House now. I'd bet my balls he could have got us the 2012 Olympics.


Nope,the President has more important things to do than lobby for a bunch of silly games.And the President especially should not be trying to get an event that costs more than it returns,in the middle of what he claims is "the worst economic crisis since the great depression"(Comrade 0bama quote)

Of course if 0bama would have researched the Carter years,he would have realized that statement was wrong.



Thanks, I needed that.

Soilent obama's answer is THE example of right wing irony.
If this question isn't an example of someone looking like an idiot on tv, I don't know what is.

Since President Obama is nothing without a teleprompter, why don you look at the clip again. With the last speech, you can literally pinpoint when the teleprompter went out.

Good point Carol, but in all fairness to the man, You'd have to either get me silly drunk, or hand me a rifle, to get me to step on red chinese soil.

Soylent Obama2009-10-02T11:18:26Z

I'd much rather have Bush as president than Obama. At least Bush didn't run around like an idiot onto TV shows while a war was on.

Obama's nothing without a teleprompter anyway.

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