Vaginal Discharge..I need to know!?

Okay so I had unprotected sex with my roomie/best friend and I think I may be pregnant.

Its the vaginal discharge.
Its different now.
Its thicker, creamy and milk coloured.
It doesnt smell wierd (I had to check)
There is one thing i can compare the smell too is when my water broke when I had my son. It wasnt a bad smell and there was hardley any smell at all.

well i need to need to know if this could be from pregnancy, how soon after conception can discharge occur and how much longer should i wait to take a pregnancy test? (I would be about 2, 2 1/2 weeks now)


I always pee afterword and shower so i wouldnt think it would be an infection...i could be wrong though.


I looked up BV and it isnt that but thank you soo much. i have to explore all options. :)

Kris- due 3/15/2010 with a girl!2009-10-03T18:14:34Z

Favorite Answer

i had a ton of discharge before i found out i was pregnant... and that's how i knew. so i would take a test if you miss your period. good luck!


Sometimes it can be an infection called bacterial vaginosis, my wife has had this twice with her pregnancy now. It's where bacterica inside you doesn't filter out so it stays inside you and then comes out. It doesn't smell, but the only way to treat it is to go to the obgyn and get meds. It can also be lukrea which is common in pregnancy.


give it another half week if not get a pregnancy test. Wish you luck!