Vaginal Discharge..I need to know!?
Okay so I had unprotected sex with my roomie/best friend and I think I may be pregnant.
Its the vaginal discharge.
Its different now.
Its thicker, creamy and milk coloured.
It doesnt smell wierd (I had to check)
There is one thing i can compare the smell too is when my water broke when I had my son. It wasnt a bad smell and there was hardley any smell at all.
well i need to need to know if this could be from pregnancy, how soon after conception can discharge occur and how much longer should i wait to take a pregnancy test? (I would be about 2, 2 1/2 weeks now)
I always pee afterword and shower so i wouldnt think it would be an infection...i could be wrong though.
I looked up BV and it isnt that but thank you soo much. i have to explore all options. :)