How many beers in a Buffalo Wild WIngs tall draft?
I drank a tall draft at Buffalo Wild Wings of Miller Lite and was wondering how many beers are in that. How many would I have to drink to get drunk? like reach .08 I'm Male 21 240lb.
I drank a tall draft at Buffalo Wild Wings of Miller Lite and was wondering how many beers are in that. How many would I have to drink to get drunk? like reach .08 I'm Male 21 240lb.
Bww Wings Sizes
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It's 'OK' child friendly. It's definitely not a hooters. They do have a long wait time for getting your meal prepped and sent to you which can make little ones antsy. Other than that it is a typical restaurant like a Chickfila or Applebees with a little bit of sports on a plasma screen tv.
Derek H
A tall draft beer at BWW typically is the standard 22 ounces.
We have had buffalo wild wings a few times and the last time we went with my cousin, they have 2 children then under the day 3 at the time...So, I would say yeah, it would be fine.
Swiller Lite? gimme a break I get drunker going for a jog in the streets of Mexico City