Does the Nobel Peace Prize committee made up of ACORN?

Any guess at to what "charity" Obama will give that 1.4 million dollar prize? My guess is SEIU or ACORN, his two favorite charities.


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I'm very suspicious of Obama's so-called promise; he said he was going to get his puppy from a shelter, then never asked anyone on his staff to check the shelters; or the promise to close Guantanamo, or the promise to change the military's don't-ask-don't-tell policy. There is a huge list of broken or unfulfilled promises. He's the embodiment of an empty promise.

If he gives any of it to charity, it will be a token amount. He is not a "charity" kind of guy; he and his wife have donated very little of their income to charity. People like them expect the government to take care of The Disadvantaged through taxing the rich so that we don't have to make the personal effort to do it ourselves. Please note that they are among the rich themselves, though like all rich liberals they do whatever they can to avoid paying taxes.

If any of it finds its way to "charity" it'll be a very politically-correct charity, likely one of those "community organizer" charities that he pretends to know nothing about, in spite of having worked for them for ten years. (Is he so stupid that he can't learn anything about ACORN even though for years he was their lawyer and on their payroll as a leadership instructor?) It'll probably one of ACORN's 300 subsidiaries.


ACORN will b the undoing of Obama

Seek Truth!!2009-10-10T18:04:10Z

Probably because Obama's tied in with all those messed up groups.


Maybe he should give it to the unemployed...that'd be an act of charity.

Greevy Thom2009-10-10T18:35:00Z


Jealous much?