Why is it that the lonely hearts often post in the philosophy forum?

Why do the lonely hearts, rejected and forlorn choose to post questions in the philosophy forum instead of in the relationships forum where they belong? It seems simple to me. If it's something you'd cry about, it belongs in the relationships forum. If it's something to think about, without crying, it goes here. Why is there so much confusion?

British Shorthair2009-10-10T16:32:31Z

Favorite Answer

Some modern writers (Alain de Botton, for example) are trying to restore Philosophy to a position where it offers consolation and advice to people suffering real emotional and existential dilemmas. Relationships hurt, and so people look for consolation wherever they can find it. If this section were restricted to the current concerns of academic philosophy, it would not last very long.

I personally might feel like crying over the holocaust, or the pointlessness of a world without God, but I wouldn't trouble the Relationships section with my trivial emotions...


i've got concept approximately this to. there became a believer the different day that became mocking atheist people by calling April fools day their day because of the fact the guy pronounced that a fool says in his coronary heart that there's no God. i did no longer experience undesirable that he became misrepresenting the gospel as much as I felt undesirable that folk have been being degraded. I questioned if I might desire to step in like I even have performed in the past yet I wasn't effective if I might desire to save doing that. i think of that it may be greater effective if those style of question weren't responded yet on the different hand the rather some responses might have made the guy think of. You ask why this form of habit is displayed? i could say it rather is the two because of the fact the guy is hating or they try to pay decrease back evil for evil, the two way it fairly is despicable. i do no longer be attentive to if there is rather a answer for this or no longer. Edit: I purely examine your occasion. possibly you may desire to submit that question. i think of now a days all of us is kicking the susceptible or wounded .it fairly is ashame whilst all of us is hurting like that to have such rude comments.

philosoraptor knows2009-10-11T22:46:34Z

Because going in the relationship thread and seeing that other people have relationships makes them depressed.


Here it is for uniting hearts. Otherwise it is called patch work.


because a broken heart can make you feel philosophical

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