If you could ask Manny Pacquiao one question, what would it be?

My Question: Manny, you have risen to the top in an amazing journey, did you ever imagine, in your earlier boxing career, that your legacy would have been this big, rising from poverty, to become one of the best, if not the best fighter of your era? P.S. What fight, out of your 7 fights between Barrera, Marquez, and Morales do you think you will be best remembered for?


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How do you define your legacy as a boxer and as a human being? What will people remember you the most by when Manny Pacquaio is gone?


My question for him is: With all the blessings bestowed upon you as a boxer and placed you as one of the boxing history's greatest... "Why do you feel you need to run for a public office? Even if you win the election,don't you think this would affect your reputation and might tarnish your greatness if you failed miserably to perform your duties well as a public servant?" "Do you presently have enough knowledge to meet the requirements,the intellectual independence and the strength to perform the heavy task at hand"? MY REASON for asking him this is: No doubt that Pacman is presently the best boxer in right now...And I am a big fan! But i doubt his ability running for congress in this coming May 2010 election. What triggered him to decide to run for a position in a higher office? Can he really perform the task without MUCH HELP from his "assistants","amuyongs"( or whatever you would call it)? Given,that he has a good heart and a clean intention to serve the public, does he have what it really take to be an effective statesman? Many popular figures believed that you can help and serve the people without necessarily having a seat in the government. I believe that he could be more effective in assisting his fellowmen as a private citizen. It's hassle free! I just think that he should take time to learn more about the field that he is pursuing. I JUST DO NOT WANT A LEGEND TO FALL because of his wrong or prematured decisions. May the Lord Guide him in his pursuit. GOODLUCK PACMAN!!!

SOUTHLAND RAIDER2009-10-16T05:14:15Z

Id ask Manny to dump Bob Arum so the Pacquiao vs Mayweather will happen!!

Big Willy2009-10-16T05:48:25Z

What are you going to do after Floyd kicks you **** and your fans make pathetice excuses for your defeat?

By the way you said one question and you asked two so your question is completely invalid.


How did a midget beat all those tall dudes?

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